vs Guile

Stamina: 1,000
Stun: 900
Fighting Style: Special Forces Military Training
Fighter Type: Defensive

vs Guile: 4.5 - 5.5
Pros: Reversal weak to cross-ups
Cons: Good pressure game, good projectile, great normals

Move List:
Knee Bazooka - Moves Guile around quickly.
Straight Chop - Overhead, last hit of his target combo from cr.MK.
Spinning Back Knuckle - High damage and good range poke.
Rolling Sobat - Quick kick that moves him backwards or forwards.
Reverse Spin Kick - Considered off ground so it can actually counter some sweeps.
Guile High Kick - Juggles like Sagat's fwd.HK, only shorter.
Target Combo - Hits low then high fairly quickly.

Sonic Boom (SB) - Projectile attack with very fast recovery for his keep away and pressure game.
Flash Kick (FK) - Reversal, moves him slightly forward before execution which makes it vulnerable to cross-ups.

Double Flash (S) - AA or punish move. Can link into his U1.
Flash Explosion (U1) - Damage upgraded from vanilla, mainly used as AA or punish.
Sonic Hurricane (Ultra 2) - Short range and very fast recovery (safe on block).

Preferred Ultra: Breathless
Breathless is fast enough to be able to catch SB's on reaction but loses to EX SB.

Character Videos:
Pikagoma (ABE) vs. marimo52 (GUI)
ACE EI RI N (GUI) vs pikagoma (ABE)

Guile in SSF4 does significantly more damage now. Abel has stamina to take the hits from Guile and the tools to get in (FADC, EX COD, rolls) but you don't have that many chances as before. Keep it patient, focus those SBs and look for chances to get in. Rushing it will only set you up for his traps and counters.

Your main objective really is to score the knockdown and you will suffer for it but take the hurt and move on. Once you're in, its pretty much your game. He has limited good options on his wake-up so capitalize on that fact. His only real get-off-me option is his FK which needs to be charged and is not entirely dependable if crossed-up.

Guile's playing style is very defensive with most players adopting a turtle-play or an offensive-defensive style. Guile's main focus is on controlling space with his normals and specials which come out fast and recover very quickly. These give him ample tools to space you out. SB covers the ground while the air is covered with his FK, air throws and cr.HP.

- Because of the Sonic Boom's fast recovery, Guile players will take advantage of this offensively by moving with the projectile. Jumping or rolling over aren't good options cause of his throw/air throw. Catch Guile off-guard by using EX COD to blow through the projectile and land the hit, or be more defensive and look for opportunities (bad spacing, careless movements etc) to get through.
- EX SB doesn't recover as quickly. You can U1 it on reaction if you're looking for it.
- A good tool in this match-up is EX WK. It goes through SB and even if he blocks you've put yourself near him to start your close-range offense.
- FK have a weird angle and don't cover the space over Guile well. Cross-up's timed to start right above Guile can stuff Flash Kicks and put you in position for a mix-up.
- Step Kick works well in this match up close. Guile's pokes tend to miss if done at maximum range.


  1. Well written and easy to read! thanks

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I've revise some of the info here when I can so check back often ;)
