Abel has a lot of mix-ups opportunities thanks to his Marseilles Roll. These are an integral part of his offensive game so Abel players should know most of these options and practice using them in matches. Resets are alright but can be risky where else a landed Sky Fall guarantees a 50/50 mix-up afterwards and I prefer the guaranteed option more.
Source: SRK
*****Mix up up after normal throw*****
1. lk roll, lk roll (crosses up)
2. Hk roll (crosses up), lk roll (crosses up)
3. Walk foward barely lk roll (crosses up or doesn't up to you)
4. Walk forward barely jp.mk (crosses up or doesn't up to you)
*****Mix up from Falling Sky*****
1. Dash back lk roll (ambiguous/in front) then:
2. Dash back mk roll (ambiguous/crosses up) then:
3. lk roll (crosses up, lk roll (crosses up) then:
4. Dash back, walk forward barely jp.mk (crosses up or doesn't up to you)
*****Reset Mix-up from c.hp*****
1. xx lk roll, c.fp xx lk roll (in front) then:
2. xx lk roll, c.fp xx mk roll (crosses up) then:
3. xx lk roll, c.lp, dash (crosses up) then:
4. xx lk roll, delayed c.lp (in front) then:
5. xx lk roll, c.lp, dash (crosses up), lk roll (crosses up) then:*avoids reversal dp
6. xx hk roll (crosses up), c.mp xx lk roll (in front) then:
7. xx hk roll (crosses up), c.mp xx mk roll (crosses up) then:
8. xx hk roll (in front), c.lp, dash (in front) then:
what does xx mean? cancel into?