SSF4 Abel: First Impressions

I tested Abel out over the weekend and my first impressions are good. Not much change to his gameplay, he still goes out and wrecks shop. Damage was nerfed on normals but this was across the board so it wasn't so bad. His largest buffs from vanilla were probably on his EX-falling sky (better invul frames) and cr.HK (slightly faster start and better range).

The biggest change would be from his new ultra, Breathless. I think this Ultra is one of the best ultra's in the game for now. It works like Akuma's ultra 1 without the initial invul frame on start-up and it moves VERY fast. I'm not exaggerating when I say fast. The downsides are that you can't FADC combo into this and, although having armor, it lacks in invul frames. I use this mostly on reaction to a jump-in or whiffed moves for now and it is working wonders.

Abel has been buffed in SSF4 but the real change is that the game rebalance has worked in his favor. The Zangief match-up has become a lot easier. Thawk might be his new worse enemy but I'm not sure yet. Needs more testing.

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