Updates (14 May 2010)

After playing with a good Ken for over 4 hours a few days ago, I've gotten some insight into the Ken match-up in SSF4 and have updated the vs Ken section.

I've added in 2 news updates, one on the SF fan-made movie SF:Legacy and the other on the preliminary tier lists from Japan and Australia (Ozhadou). Some interesting stuff there so check it out.

Also worked on the match-up links. Added in stamina, stun and fighting styles for all the cast. Will begin adding in info for each of the fighters as I gather experience. For now I'm working on updating the match-up data done for SF4 given the changes in SSF4.

Added in the glossary the definition of each fighting style used to categorize the SSF4 cast.

Tournament has been confirmed for Penang (June 12/13) at Jurucity. Many of KL and Penang's best will be there so it will be a pretty challenging tournament.

Trudging it out with Dudley... lots of bad match-ups but is fun to play with him all the same.

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