MAGE SSF4 Tournament (26 June 2010)

Went to MAGE fest for a cosplay convention and joined up for their SSF4 mini tournament. 16 players competed including some regulars to the tournament scene like Loren, GigatonPress, Looney, Don and Seadramon. The atmosphere was very casual and most of us pulled out characters we never would have played normally. No videos unfortunately as there were some LMAO moments for sure.

First round was against a brother of a friend playing a quite decent Chun Li vs. my Dudley. Memorable highlights were loads of missed EX kicks to Kikosho (to the chagrin of the crowd) and a Cross Counter on that back kick thing.

Second round was a 'WTF' moment indeed with me against Loren. After some discussion, we went ahead with double random for the lols... I got Cammy and he got Dan. This brought on more lols as we were just mentioning how he might get Dan while I might get Cammy. Well, Dan's no pushover either and the fight came pretty close with a climax moment in the final part of the first round with no hp to spare and whiffed moves flying everywhere.

A surprise 'upset' was in the Seadramon vs. Gigatonpress match... lots of really close psycho punishers were avoided by a dextrous Vega doing back flips. Seadramon dominated Gigaton's Bison in the 2nd round too leading to his win. A match well-played by Seadramon and one he deserved.

Third round was me against Donmuri and his Hakan... after playing him early in the morning with my Adon and eating his ultra 2 like 100x in a row, I refused to jump at him all day. In the end, managed to win out and I actually learned something substantial from this match about footsies and spacing, especially against Hakan.

Last round and I'm in the finals with Seadramon. He goes with Viper while I pick Ryu with Metsu. Lots of jumping flame kicks to keep me grounded and in the end I managed to pull off a random Metsu SRK on a meaty light punch for the win.

The prize was a Animax goodie pack complete with a Master Q comic, Gundam figurine, T-shirt and a cap among other stuff. After that we went on to have the Tekken 6 tournament where Gigaton won, some SSF4 and SC4 casuals and then some singing/cosplaying stuff. A good fun day for SSF4.

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