New DLC launched for SSF4

The first news is a bit old. A new DLC tournament mode was released about a week ago for SSF4. A game patch for some bug fixes in SSF4 also was released along with the tournament mode. Here's what you get from the DLC, sourced from Eventhubs:

Tournament Mode

• Tournament Mode is a head-to-head in single-elimination tournament with brackets, which works with 4 or 8 players.
• You can watch other tournament matches in progress while you're waiting for your turn and voice chat. Players competing can hear you as well, but if it annoys you, there's a mute option.
• To help with lag, spectators will be a little bit behind the actual match that's being played.
• Tournament Mode works with SSFIV's recording feature.
• There are no battle points or rankings, but Tournament Mode will give players unique and special online titles, which can be won and lost from other players.
• Character selection is double-blind.
• Tournaments will continue on even if a participating player drops out.
• While the max amount of people a tournament can hold is 8 players, a 9th person can be there as the host. If the host drops, another will be found.

Game Patch

• Fei Long's infinite combo loop against Juri will be removed.
Unblockable Ultras will be fixed.
• Guy will no longer be able to be thrown while he's crouching and in hit stun animation. A bug made it possible to combo throw moves while he was in this state.
• Ibuki's invincibility window on wake up — under certain circumstances — was too long, this will be fixed.
• The 2nd hit of Ibuki's Spinning Kicks missing Chun-Li will be fixed.
• Counter hit damage on M. Bison's (Dictator) Ultra 2 was too low, the life it takes off when it scores a counter hit will be increased.
• Sagat's Angry Scar was not working properly in some instances (EX-Tiger Uppercut doesn't get damage upgrade in some cases).

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