Update (15 June 2010)

Got back from the Juru Autocity tournament last night and it was epic. First tournament in Malaysia where all the best players in the country + Singapore were brought together and I got the opportunity to meet them all in a competitive environment. It felt really good. I'll get to writing up the post-tournament review later or tonight.

I'll also be working on a beginners guide for a friend of mine. It's aimed for Cammy usage but if it helps anyone else with their game, that'd be good too.

EDIT: Updated Cody and Adon and will add 2 new sections for each character: Vids and Enemy Perspective. The first will be videos of the characters vs Abel while the 2nd will be the character's match-up strategy vs. Abel, sourced from SRK forums.

Also want to revamp some of the older gameplay topics like the fwd.MK tutorial to give a clearer picture of the mix-up game you can do using that move.

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