Video Study #3: Abel (JuiceBox) vs. C. Viper (Wolfkrone)

This time I'm covering Juicebox's Abel versus Wolfkrone's C.Viper from EVO2010 earlier this year. Juicebox is a very capable Abel with his own channel and podcast etc. while Wolfkrone... don't know that much about him but he's a pad player and quite accomplished too so he's no push over.

This video really exemplifies the fast paced gameplay and quick swinging matches common between Abel and C.Viper matches. Both characters deal out tons of damage and have tons of mix-ups. Viper on one hand has a better defense and pokes, while Abel on the other has more stamina and good up close mix-ups.

There aren't really that many things to point out, fact being that the whole 5 minutes is jam packed with lots of high level play on both sides. Loads to learn from pretty much every part of it (apart from reenacting Soulless... don't do that please).

Juicebox really gets into Viper's face each and every time he can because against such a pressing offense you don't really want to end up defending against C.Viper. He utilises a lot of rolls to not only evade mix-ups but to put him in a better position to start an offense. A bit risky especially once Viper catches on but it really pays off once you can begin a counter-offense.

0:11 - Lots of air flame kick mix-ups from Wolfkrone
1:02 - Even more AFK mix-ups, this time from jp.HK
2:00 - Juicebox uses lots of rolls to evade those seismo SJCs
2:54 - Nice mind trick shenanigans in the corner with the TT
3:05 - More good reads and rolls from Juicebox to negate those mix-ups

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