SSF4 Abel: Prelim Test Stats

The 360 version of SSF4 was leaked early this week and many 360 players have enjoyed the game and posted up the game balance changes from SF4. Here's what they buffed and nerfed for Abel:

- Damage nerf across his commonly used normals

- Falling sky works as a proper AA now. EX version will almost always grab from the air. The angle on Falling sky has been improved.

- Ultra 1 scales very badly now. COD FADC combos does much less damage compared to raw ultra.

- Ultra 2 is super fast but loses to moves with armor break. Using ultra 2 to try and counter another ultra will not work. On whiff, ultra 2 is very safe. Good as anti-air, can absorb the first hit and grab before reversal shoryukens can come out.

- Ultra 2 can be used to punish a lot of things: blocked Ryu's Hadoken, blocked low Tiger Shot and high Tiger Shot up close, Akuma's teleport, blocked Honda Headbutt (all strengths), blocked cr.HK for most characters, etc.

- Cr.HK is now very good. Longer range and much faster startup.

Drawing from this, looks like I'll be using more Falling Skies rather than cr.MK and cr.HP as AA given the high confirmed damage + knockdown. If using Ultra 2, no point doing cr.HP 2nd hit to AA either.

On that note, it looks like there's no point in using COD FADC to Ultra 1 if the damage is scaled badly. I'll have to play it out first but I'm tending towards using Ultra 2. It seems easy to connect the Ultra 2 given its speed.

I like the cr.HK buff.

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