Updates (22 April 2010)

I've renamed the site in anticipation of SSF4... I feel the renaissance theme is fitting. Abel got some nice revamps to make him more competitive and with any luck more people will be playing him now. Besides, renaissance is French or something.

SSF4 is only a couple of days away. I'll be getting my copy on Monday and the testing and training begins from there. It's something I hope to do despite having work and my social life to juggle.

2 weeks from now the people at Round 1, the Singaporean SF4 community, will be holding a 'Chalet' where SSF4 afficiandos from Singapore will meet and play SSF4 for the entire weekend. Am considering going for the weekend.

EDIT: Might revamp the vs section of the blog as it will get messy once more match-ups are included. I will bucket them by their "categories" e.g. Shadoloo 4 for Bison, Boxer etc. That should clear up some of the mess though it'll make finding the match-up you're looking for slightly harder.

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