Battle Medley, Singapore (9-11 July 2010)

Just got back from BMS Singapore yesterday. Was a great tournament with loads of high level play and great upsets, you just had to be there. Wasn't able to play well this time around but never-the-less I could tell that I'd have a tough time winning even if I were at top form, the Singapore level is just that high.

I didn't manage to stay for the finals on day 2 and 3 as I wanted to get some time touring Singapore but I heard the results and man, what an upset. I'll link the videos here on this website once they are up. For now, here's the post-tourney review of the event:

Day 1:
Highlight of the event was the "SG vs. Japan" session featuring Momochi/Choco against everyone else. I managed to get 2 games in against Choco and I have to say she's pretty good. I don't think there's a Blanka in Malaysia that can defeat her consistently and she can pretty much go toe-to-toe with the best Malaysian and Singaporean players. Momochi on the other hand was a beast. I only got one game in with him but I could tell from watching the other matches as well that he really is a top player in this game. His final record was an astounding 39-2, with a loss against a capable Abel (yeah! not mine unfortunately) and a Dudley (this will come back to haunt him in later rounds).

Afterwards, the party adjourned to an arcade along Orchard Road (Scape?) while I took the opportunity to check out the night scene along the Esplanade/Promenade.

Day 2:
The main event on day 2 was a 64-man Double elimination tournament with SG's and Japan's best competing for SG$1,750 in cash. For myself, I beat a Dhalsim in the first round, lost to SG's best Abel (Leslie) in the second and lost again to a good Ken (yo Joseph).

The fights continued with many upsets; Choco's early drop into the loser's bracket, Leslie's early elimination from the tournament, Choco's surprise loss to a Juri, Xian's early elimination in the top 8... the biggest surprise of all came in the form of Momochi's drop to the loser's bracket to a Dudley player! Looks like Momochi doesn't know how to handle that match-up. Following that, Momochi took a drop from the tournament with another loss to Boxer.

The same boxer took the title of BMS 2010 champion in a showdown between 2 boxers (Dudley vs. Balrog) in the finals. The top 3 standings and prizes were:

#1: Dixon (BOX)- SG$1,000
#2: Travers (DUD) - SG$500
#3: Momochi (AKU) - SG$250

More Momochi/Choco vs. SG continued after, while I took off early to do some shopping around Bugis and an early night-cap.

Day 3:
Two casual tournaments were held; the Captain's tournament led by the top 8 players from Day 2 and the 5v5 tournament. I managed to get into Choco's team by random draw and our team (without much help from me) got to the finals vs. Momochi's team. Unfortunately, a Momochi vs. Choco match was not to be with a Cammy (Tetra) taking out almost all of our best players (Gackt, Choco) before letting Abel (Leslie) finish the job with the rest of us.

The 5v5 tournament was next and I managed to get into a 'rojak' team together to have some fun. Somehow we got paired against the best team there and got pretty much wiped out. However, our last team member, Raven, playing Balrog gave a legendary performance, taking out the first 4 members of the opposing team before finally falling in a very close fight against Dixon's Balrog.

I didn't stay on after that fight to tour Singapore again but needless to say BMS 2010 was great, thanks to all the organisers and Singaporeans who put up with me while I was down there. BMS 2010 lived up to its hype with many memorable moments, here's to hoping I'll be able to head across the Causeway again soon for more SSF4 action!

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