Abel: 5 weeks later...

Following up from my first impressions, I mentioned in that post that Abel's gameplay was not seriously altered and his Ultra 2 was wondeful. After 5 weeks, what do I think about him now?

Well, my initial impression on his gameplay has not changed. His minor tweaks to his st.lp and stuff like that aren't very material and any timing issues I had with his combos or what not previously have been cured through constant practice. What has changed is how great he feels playing him against some characters in the game. I'm no longer feeling on the backfoot in many of the matches as many characters got slight damage nerfs while Abel barely had any, except on one or two normals and his tornado throw. It is kinda nice to be able to relax a bit into my matches now.

On ultra 2, yes I still think its beastly and I could use this in every match. On the flipside, I think ultra 1 has uses in certain matches. I'm actually taking the reverse view here, most Abel players I've seen prefer ultra 1 over ultra 2 with good reason; its easy to connect into for guaranteed high damage. To me, I value the psychological aspect of ultra 2. Having it stocked up and proving that you can punish pokes on reaction is really mind shocking. Once I have that ultra 2, you'd better be ready....

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